
Microcontrollers are compact, integrated circuits that serve as the brains of embedded systems and electronic devices. They combine the essential components of a computer, including a processor, memory, and input/output peripherals, into a single chip. Microcontrollers are designed to execute specific tasks within electronic systems, making them a fundamental component in various applications, from household appliances and automotive systems to industrial machinery and consumer electronics.

Microcontrollers are integral components in electronic systems, featuring a processor (CPU) for executing instructions, volatile (RAM) and non-volatile (Flash or ROM) memory for data storage, and a range of I/O peripherals like GPIO pins, timers, serial interfaces, and ADCs. They incorporate an internal clock source determining execution speed and often include power management capabilities for energy efficiency. Microcontrollers perform diverse functions, controlling electronic systems through program execution, processing data from sensors and inputs, enabling communication between components and external devices, monitoring the environment, automating tasks, and managing user interfaces for responsive interactions. With their versatility, microcontrollers play a pivotal role in enhancing the efficiency and functionality of electronic systems.

Microcontrollers are versatile components that empower the functionality of countless electronic devices, contributing to modern technology's automation, intelligence, and connectivity. At Xecor, we offer a diverse inventory of high-quality microcontrollers from top manufacturers such as Microchip Technology, STMicroelectronics, NXP Semiconductors, Atmel, and Texas Instruments. Explore our selection(such as ESP32, STM32, RP2040 and ESP8266, these popular microcontrollers) and experience the seamless integration, robust functionality, and efficiency our microcontrollers bring to your electronic projects. 

  • Product Categories


    NXP Semiconductors






  • PK70FN1M0VMJ12


    NXP Semiconductors

    MCU 32-bit ARM Cortex M4 RISC 1MB Flash 1.8V/2.5V/3.3V 256-Pin MAP-BGA Tray


    MCU 32-bit ARM Cortex M4 RISC 1MB Flash 1.8V/2.5V/3.3V 256-Pin MAP-BGA Tray



    NXP Semiconductors

    i.MX 7Dual 2x Cortex-A7, Cortex-M4 Application Processor


    i.MX 7Dual 2x Cortex-A7, Cortex-M4 Application Processor

  • MC68SZ328AVH66


    NXP Semiconductors

    MPU M68000 32-Bit HCMOS 66MHz 196-Pin MAPBGA


    MPU M68000 32-Bit HCMOS 66MHz 196-Pin MAPBGA