
The SOP-21 (Small Outline Package) offers a compact, high-reliability packaging solution for integrated circuits in advanced electronic systems. Designed for thermal efficiency and minimal footprint, this 21-lead configuration is ideal for space-constrained applications across telecommunications, automotive, and consumer electronics sectors.

Part Number Description Manufacturers Inventory Add To Bom
DS1339U-33+ I2C communication Analog Devices 7,651
MAX6951EEE+ LED Display Drivers Serially Interfaced, +2.7V to +5.5V, 5- and 8-Digit LED Display Drivers Analog Devices 8,368
DS7505S+ DS7505S+ is a 3.7V digital thermometer and thermostat in SOIC-8 narrow package Analog Devices 6,559
DS28EA00U+ DS28EA00U+ Analog Circuit Analog Devices 8,285
DS1085Z-10+ Highly efficient frequency source Analog Devices 2,430
MAX1595EUA50 Switching Voltage Regulators Regulated 3.3/5.0V Step-Up/Step-Down Analog Devices 6,075
MAX6675ISA IC THERMOCOUP TO DGTL 8-SOIC Maxim Integrated 3,289
DS2482S-100 DS2482 Single-Channel 1-Wire Master Analog Devices 3,621
DG408DY+ Enhanced multiplexer switch ICs for versatile signal routing Analog Devices 7,625
MAX5216GUA+ 16-Bit Precision DAC MAX5216GUA+ Analog Devices 7,139
MAX5532EUA+T Digital to Analog Converters Analog Devices 3,789